Our public programmes are presently focused on Six Sigma- Six Sigma Green-Belt (5 days), Black-Belts (12 days) and Master Black-Belts (12 days) and Data Analytics- Data analytics using Python (6 days) and Post Graduate Certification Programme on Advanced Data Analytics (24 days). Our public programmes are posted time to time in our website. Brochure of preferred programmes may be obtained by clicking on the programme appearing or scrolling on the home screen on our website. Annually more than 200 students enroll and get certified via our programme which include six teen countries. 

Consulting Projects

We are more interested to pick up short or med term consulting assignments with our clients in the field of Six Sigma and Data Analytics. Our experience includes consulting for TechNova Imaging Systems Ltd. (1993 to 2017), Reliance Industries Ltd (1995 to 2008), Hindustan Electrographite, Maral Overseas Limited and likewise more than 100 clients.


We do customized survey to our clients for identifying and quantifying savings opportunities, revenue opportunities, employee satisfaction level, customer satisfaction level etc. Such survey spans 3 days to 10 days depending on the complexity of the company.